Mechanical – Week 2 Progress

WEEK 2: 01/13/24

Next, we wanted to have ready practice equipment for our prototype. One of our mentors, Axel Rodriguez, guided a few students in building these structures following FIRST directions. Working together, we quickly built a speaker and amp in just a few hours. 

WEEK 2: 01/14/24

We built our first prototype! Using MDF, we constructed a shooter aiming to make both the speaker and the amp. To test out angles, we had mounted our prototype onto a robot from a previous season. 

WEEK 2: 01/20/24

Today we continued to adjust our prototype for the shooter, trying different gear and belt placements. We found that we need wheels both at the top of the shooter and the bottom of the shooter. We had tried to only have the top wheels on one side to save efficiency, but this limited our capacity to shoot from different orientations. 

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