Fourth Annual Scout Fair

Netscout Volunteers have helped to make Stormgears 5422 Fourth Annual Scout Fair a big success.

It was great to have our in-person event again at Stormgears headquarters. This year we have 30 kids (along with their parents/scout leader) ranged from K-5th grade attended the event.

All the kids, parents as well as the volunteers, enjoyed the event and were excited to make a robot, write their first programs, and see a robot in action.

Some of the exciting activities the kids done were:

  1. Learning about the basic about robot and FIRST
  2. Make Robot hand using paper, straws and threads -(K-1)
  3. Make a  Bristle bot, a robot using toothbrush, vibrator motor, battery and pipe cleaners – (K-1)
  4. Make a ArtBot (2-3)
  5. Design and develop code using Edison Robot (4-5)
  6. Learn about robotics team and see a robot in motion.