Girl Scouts STEM Fest – April 29th 2023

Stormgears went to the Girl Scouts Stem Fest on April 29th, 2023. The event started at 8 am and we left at 1:30 pm on Saturday. We brought our past robot to represent the kinds of robots we learn to build in our robotics team. We taught some kids how to use a joystick to control the robot. Then we asked them to try and orient the robot to face a basket near the farthest wall, after that we would count the number of balls that landed in the basket. Another activity that we had was a marshmallow and spaghetti challenge. They had to build a structure as tall and strong as possible only using marshmallows and spaghetti. Many kids were very interested in our table and were interested in our FLL teams. By using these activities we were also able to talk to parents about our FRC and FLL teams. Our team was very enthusiastic about teaching these kids about our robot and would love to continue to volunteer for similar events.

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